Miao spirits that were worshipped and those that caused sickness
3. Water Ki-zo.

Compiled by Yang Yung-xin.


The services of the shaman-healer had to be paid for. First he had to be given special hospitality. The staple maize meal and green vegetables were taken for granted, but in addition Wang Ming-ji listed chicken and red beans, while Yang Yung-xin mentioned chicken and boiled meat. The latter was probably goat’s flesh, but may have been pork. A professional fee was also necessary. This could be money, but was much more likely to have been so many measures of corn, the quantity varying according to the particular service requested. The fee was euphemistically referred to as "horse food".

Wang Ming-ji’s account says that immediately after the burst of flame, everyone dropped whatever they were carrying and hurried away in a body, not looking back. Yang Yung-xin says that they all scattered to their own houses. Probably Yang Yung-xin was thinking of the casual spectators who had gathered to watch the proceedings while Wang Ming-ji was specifically concerned with the actors in the drama.

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